Printing the chart has a problem

When I try to print the chart from my windows 10 PC, on the 30 seconds that the chart show, only about 16 second is showing on the print preview and print and the print is all mix-up?
Thank yo for your help.

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Hi @moleson! I apologize for the inconvenience! Will you be able to attach a screenshot of the error you’re receiving?

Also can you try saving as pdf to see if the issue transfers to the pdf?

Did you try printing?

I saved as a PDF, this is where I have the problem, also the print preview is the same. Will try to have a screen capture tomorrow.
Thank you for your help.

In a PDF saved where you can see the top text is a mess and the bottom where the doctor name should be is cut also?
I cannot find the problem, How do I send a screen shot?
Gerard Chaney

You can attached the screenshot on the forum (via web) we still haven’t incorporated the upload feature inside the app. Or you can send the screenshot to our email: and I’ll be on the look out for the email!

I printed as a Microsoft PDF and then it work fine.
If I print as a Adobe PDF it doesn’t print well, the top is mix-up and the bottom is cut, even if I chage the print size to different size.
But since it work for me with Microsoft PDF everything is fine.