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Hi SonoHealth! New user, just got my EKGraph. I really like it. Specially being able to send chart to the app on my phone. Seems like competitors work only with a pc.


Welcome to the family Carlos! We’re excited to have you join us, and glad you like the EKGraph. We tired our best and will continue improving it to provide the best possible EKG monitor to our customers.


Hi Dan!

What is the recommended/most accurate way to record a reading? Would it be to place the device between both palms?

Hi @ya2ya2!

Honestly it depends on what you’re more comfortable with and what works for you. My hands for example are fairly large (larger than most I’d say) and I actually can wrap my index fingers around the sensors and get a pretty good reading.

But that may not work for most of our customers. So we suggest trying different parts of your palms, maybe a combination of finger/wrist and palm.

I’ll ask if @SonoHealthANITA can take a few pics/videos showing how she does it. She has pretty small hands. :grin:

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@ya2ya2, @SonoHealthDAN, Would love to! Just give me a day or so!

Hi Dan,

Thank you for the reply about the various ways to use to device.

I have sent several other emails regarding the time stamp on the device and nobody has gotten back to me. The device is reading a time stamp of Jan 2015 and I have reset the device numerous times. However that is not correcting the problem. Can you please assist me with this? It’s imperative that I have the correct date/time stamped as I’m collecting data for my cardiologist. In addition the device wasn’t cheap so I expect it to work as it should. I’m a bit frustrated with the lack of customer service at this point.

Any assistance you can provide would be appreciated! Thank you!


Hi @SonoHealthANITA,

Have you been able to take some videos of the various ways to use the device as discussed several days back? You mentioned in the comments 9 days ago when Dan suggested if you couldn’t capture some video usage and you said to give you a day or so. Curious when we can see the demos.


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Just wondering whether and when we might be able to see the videos you were going to make. I think the device is great, but always wondering if in fact I am using it in the most reasonable way possible.


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I would suggest connecting to the app. Mine updated time and date automatically.

My device only worked 1 day and now won’t turn on or reset. Do I need to return it?