Can't login since app was updated

Hello: I’ve been using both the hardware & the software (app) for a couple of years now. Since the updated app was released, I have not been able to login & subsequently upload my ecg\ekg tracings. The app says “incorrect password”. The password is not incorrect (it is recorded in writing). To top it off, the SonoHealth system refuses to send me a password reset option.


Same here. I’ve emailed them several times and they don’t respond at all. I don’t think their company is going to be around for long based on their nonexistent customer service and app failures.

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Hi @pantera1421,

I reset your password and sent you an email directly. Please check your inbox.


As I understand it you’re having issues with the BETA app? I don’t have access to our beta dashboard (so I can’t reset the password for you on my end), but I reached out to our dev team as to why you’re not receiving a password reset link. Will reach out to your email once I hear back!

I’ve had similar problems logging in. Initially I found that I could again log in if I first powered off the phone, then back on. As of today, even that won’t work. Very disappointed with this product.

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have reset password still can’t log in

Same here. Cannot login even after updating their Ap. Changing the password does not help. It appears that we can no longer use the SonohealthUSA ap to download our EKGs or communicate with our doctors.

From where I’m standing, the app is now working as intended. I have no difficulty logging in or out or back in again. Recordings are uploaded just fine. Thanks SonoHealth for your extended effort in making the app functional again.

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